Technology;Memory Trigers
The incredible philosopher Borges once described memory as intertwined with countless and intricate stories that, when put together, become an individual's field of consciousness. One of the most important characters of Borges is Memory Funes. He does not forget anything and remembers all the details, but he cannot abstract and convert these memories into abstract concepts. However, according to the neuroscientist Quiroga, memory is formed by a series of neurons in the brain that ignore concrete details and react to abstract concepts. Long-term memory occurs through the detection of experiences through neurons. Quiroga fears that the end of a modern man who cannot deepen will be like Funes.According to French philosopher Maurice Halbwachs, he explains memory is an indicator that is built on space and identity. He also explains memory as a constant deletion of previous memories to rewrite the new ones. Halbwachs' "collective memory" uses the storage of past images that include different events and people and combines them with the storage of recent memories. Sometimes a single work reaches the possibility and power of an entire past to become the black box of human existence.The art of Klee is portrayed with large eyes trying to move the past into the present as a kind of "angelus novel." Why does the Angel of History continue to look back into the past? This is because we need to look backward to see what we have left in the ruins of the past. Moreover, the future; we cannot just dream it. (Gandler, 2007, pp. 161-181) He would want to stay more, an angel, bringing the dead to life, reassembling the broken pieces ... But a storm thrown out of heaven caught such wings so violently that they could not close them again. As the ruins rise into the sky before his eyes, he is dragged along with the storm, desperate, turning his back to the future. Here is what we call this storm, evolution. (p.32).Life is the witness of the present age and can be transformed into modernity as a victim and the only pieces that can be saved from the wreckage of the fields. My series, "Zigzag time traveler," contains travel notes and research from personal experiences. This series is like a meeting of the story that remains consistent and an ongoing adventure. I am only attempting to complete the time layers that have been fragmented and that have only been attributed to Christ and must have a passion for serving the divine duty. (Adorno, 2013, p. 167) An individual who wants to save the memories of this ruin is seen as a rag collector. Collecting objects and cultural residues as far away as possible. Regardless, continuity can prevail. The winners of history have viewed life. Today, they take their places in the triumphal procession by exercising their power. Benjamin interprets history as a wreck, not a treasure, to be passed on to the next generations. He seeks out the cultural remains and images in the most unknot history.Halbwachs associates the concept of collective memory with images stored in the past, events, and people at this time. The concepts of commemorative and mnemonic traces, 'place,' and individual, social, historical, cultural, etc. values are combined with spatial memory. In doing so, he also touches upon the question of power. With Jan Assmann's approach, power always needs an origin and recalling when x oppressive conditions become a resistance (Assmann, 2015, pp. 79-81). The attempt to destroy the inhabitants, and the attempt to lose them, is an attempt to erase some memory.The loot, like the spoils, has also been converted into cultural wealth. (Benjamin, 1993, p.32) Andre Malraux II, immediately after World War II, developed the Fictional Museum in 1947. Since this, the technology has been updated again. Visuals since the invention of photography and all kinds of textual information can now be used and interpreted, and reproduced. Photography technology and other new forms of interpretation, such as computer technology, have taken the place of earlier arts. Things such as location, time, and identity overlap with historical dates in the Mnemosyne Atlas (Aby Warburg) geological layers continue the visual language of the series but with historical data. This will become an installation subject building the invention of the future.Museums play an essential role in developing attitudes such as ownership and rejection and in constructing and transforming identity.The history of art, history of religions, mythology, astronomy, etc., are portrayed in the oval library of Warburg. The variety of books on different topics includes changing the daily connection and dialogues with each other. These topics by Warburg were metaphorically underground; they can be compared to root branches with progress in all directions combined with other root branches.The traces left by humanity in spatial memory from past to present maintains existence through several indicators, symbols, communications, and interactions. Memory is shaped by a kind of accumulation and conditions that extend from nature to culture. Philippe Descola, who manages the Social Anthropology Laboratory (which he took over as the heir to the famous anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss), examined in his book "Nature and Beyond Culture," an in-depth exploration of cultural anthropology and how human beings interact with beings around them." are also converted into develop various cultures.Memory studies from psychology to sociology require a combination of interdisciplinary fields such as history, physical science, and social sciences factors.The age we are currently living in provides us with different disciplines, techniques, and methods that give individuals the opportunity to create new meanings. However, these rapid changes and developments of perception reinforce the role of art objects as recorders and memory triggers.All of the disciplines, hand in hand with the codes of complex formations such as computers with digital design, 3D design technology, high-resolution design, material engineering, algorithms created by artificial intelligence, digital media regulations, and augmented reality, allow us to use images that allow us to develop our memories.From nature to culture, inspired by the structures existing in the past, creates new structures. To better understand the concepts and ideas, we use different tools: these and my converse to virtual and augmented reality material in digital media works.
Adorno, W. T. (2013). Bir Walter Benjamin Portresi. (Çev. E.E.Çakmak).Asmann, J. (2015). Kültürel Bellek: Eski Yüksek Kültürlerde Yazı, Hatırlama ve politik kimlik. (Çev: A. Tekin). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.Benjamin, W. (1993). Tek Yönlü Yol. (Haz: N. Gürbilek). Son Bakışta Aşk içinde (38-54).İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.Benjamin, W. (1993). Hikaye Anlatıcısı: Nikolay Leskov’un Eserleri Üzerine Düşünceler. (Haz: N. Gürbilek).Son Bakışta Aşk içinde (55-69). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.Gandler, S. (2007). Tarih Meleği Neden Geriye Bakıyor?. Cogito Dergisi, 52, (161-178). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.Halbwachs, M. (1992). On collective memory. The University Of Chicago Press, Chicago.Hobsbawm, E., Ranger, T. (Ed.). (2006). Geleneğin İcadı. (Çev. M. M. Şahin). İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı............................ .................................... ...........................................